Capacity analysis confirms South Dundas has room to grow

MORRISBURG – A municipality’s capacity for growth often hinges on its capacity to handle water and wastewater for that growth and South Dundas finds itself in a fortunate position.

April 10 EVB Engineering delivered the results from the uncommitted reserve capacity analysis study completed for the Municipality of South Dundas.

“This is certainly a good news story,” said South Dundas mayor Jason Broad following the presentation outlining the capacity of South Dundas’ regional water treatment plant and the wastewater treatment plants in Morrisburg and Iroquois.

The analysis showed that the South Dundas Water Treatment plant, which supplies water to both Iroquois and Morrisburg, currently operates at 51 per cent of its design capacity.

Taking in to account projects in the works, including an estimated 170 residential lots for Dutch Meadows, 299 residential lots for Valecraft subdivision plans and an equivalent 227 non-residential lots, South Dundas still has water plant capacity for 980 new future residential lots.

Even when South Dundas finalizes a water and wastewater service supply deal with the St. Lawrence Parks Commission for Riverside Campground, Crysler Park Marina and Upper Canada Village the municipality will still have capacity remaining within its systems.

South Dundas manager of water and wastewater operations Denis Villeneuve confirmed that the Upper Canada expansion water request equates to 184 residential lots and the sanitary wastewater request equates to 177 residential lots using the assumptions made in the uncommitted reserve capacity analysis.

The Morrisburg wastewater treatment plant currently operates at 44 per cent of its design capacity which equates to an uncommitted reserve capacity of 1,361 residential lots.

The Iroquois wastewater treatment plant currently operates at 58 per cent of its design capacity and has an uncommitted reserve capacity equivalent to 531 residential lots.

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