SLPC closing Parkway November 16th

SOUTH STORMONT – If you enjoy taking a scenic drive along the Long Sault Parkway, you have until November 16th to do so.

The St. Lawrence Parks Commission, which owns and operates the parkway, announced on social media that it would close the parkway for the winter on November 16th.

From 2000 to 2010, the parkway remained open in the winter for local use with the Township of South Stormont plowing the road.

South Stormont director of public works Ross Gellately told The Leader that he believed that practice ended over liability between the township and the SLPC.

The parkway will still be open for pedestrian use and is a popular locale for sledding, walking, and cross-country skiing.

The 11 kilometre scenic drive connects islands that remain after the flooding of the region to create the St. Lawrence Seaway.

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