Fire destroys Fifth Street building in Morrisburg

Contributed/Shelly Saunders photo

MORRISBURG – South Dundas Fire and Emergency Services crews were on the scene of a building fire on Fifth Street in Morrisburg, behind the Morrisburg Village Plaza, early Saturday morning.

The building housed a laundromat, used goods store, and three apartments.

A tenant from the building told The Leader that he had heard a bang, followed by a lot of smoke, at approximately 2 a.m. No injuries were reported.

An excavator has been brought in by the SDFES to assist with combating the blaze. By 7:30 a.m. the middle section of the building had been leveled.

No other details from the SDFES were available at this time.

The building was partly renovated in 2015-16 and had been listed for sale for more than a year.

This story will be updated when more details are available.

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