The Big Give, a great community success

Emerson Thomson and his dad demonstrate the art of creating “supreme” bubbles.

MORRISBURG – “This was only our second year holding the Big Give,” said Pastor James Tripp, who helped spearhead the community celebration, “but our event proved even bigger and better this year. By 11:00 a.m., I’d say we’d already had 600 visitors come out to take part in and enjoy the fun.”

A number of South Dundas churches planned the event, and then more than 50 volunteers came out on Saturday, June 1, to stage The Big Give at Earl Baker Park in Morrisburg.

Admission was free to everyone, young and old. All the inflatables and games and face painting were free. Everything offered on the jumble/yard sale tables from books to clothing and household goods was free. People could even bring their bikes to the park for a free “tune-up.”

Visitors could also enjoy cotton candy, fresh popcorn, hot dogs and drinks.

“Master” Bike Tuner Steve Skerry was on hand to help everyone get their bikes ready for sunny weather.

“The weather wasn’t great, but that didn’t seem to affect anything,” Tripp said. “And the rain held off all day.”

Judging from the number of families, and members of the community who came out to enjoy the event, which ran from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m., the Big Give was a major success.

“Actually, we are already busy planning our 2020 Big Give,” said Pastor Tripp.

Future Raptors superstars Caden Reynolds (l) and Bryson Saddlemire demonstrate their technique at the inflatable Hoops.
Keen reader Cohen MacDermid found plenty of books.


Aiden Merkley takes a quiet moment to explore all the possibilities of bubbles.


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