New truck for fire station in Iroquois


“Are we almost there,” asked South Dundas deputy-mayor Jim Locke.

During the July 17th council meeting, South Dundas Fire and Emergency Services chief Chris McDonough requested that council award the tender of a new pumper/rescue truck to Eastway Emergency Vehicles.

The new truck, whose approximate delivery date is April 2013, will replace the Iroquois department’s 1985 GMC front-line truck.

The cost of the truck is $345,296.21. At budget time, council approved $300,000 from the 2012 capital budget for this item.

Following council’s approval of the request, mayor Steven Byvelds expressed concern that this might be “cramming too much equipment into one budget year.”

“We might regret it sometime down the road,” he said.

Council recently approved an unanticipated purchase of a 2004 Western Star 3,000 gallon ‘super’ tanker for the Williamsburg station at a cost of $117,666.19.

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