Demolition at the Dunbar Recreation Centre


The Dunbar Recreation Centre was consumed by fire during the early hours of Saturday, October 8th leaving devastation and charred remains.

At the November 1st South Dundas council meeting, Clerk Brenda Brunt provided council with a brief update on what’s being done to clean-up the site.

“It’s quite a process to deal with an insurance company after a fire,” said Brunt.

She reported to council that the insurance company had wanted the township to send bids for the demolition job to the two companies affiliated with the insurance company.

Brunt and staff, however, insisted on bringing in bids of their own and it was one of these, Lloyd McMillan Equipment Ltd., that won the job with the lowest bid of $7,500 plus HST.

The demolition process includes the removal of debris, trees, and anything else left behind from the fire.

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