“The investigation is ongoing,” said Constable Pete Robertson when asked about the status of a break-in at the Morrisburg Golf Club.
On Sunday, May 6th, some time after club hours, the Morrisburg Golf Club was broken into and the contents of its safe were taken.
When club manager Anita Cooper arrived at work Monday morning the alarm was still activated. For this reason, she didn’t suspect foul play when she noticed the storeroom ceiling had been destroyed.
She said it wasn’t until she went to retrieve the cash from the safe and saw that the safe was missing that she realized there had been a break-in.
According to Cooper, the thief or thieves entered the building through the roof. “They pulled the vent off, shimmied down in through the vent hole and took the safe out.”
Having gone through the roof, Cooper said, they were able to avoid setting off the alarms.
She pointed out, however, that a neighbour’s dog went into a barking frenzy some time around 12:30 a.m. and 1 a.m. Cooper suggested this could point to a possible time line for the theft.
According to Robertson, police “were advised of the break in around 6:30 a.m. An undisclosed amount of cash was taken.”
Cooper reported that the safe was found empty in some hedges on club property. The safe, small and compact, had been bolted down in the storeroom.
She also confirmed, as of May 8th, that the amount of money stolen was still unknown.
According to Robertson, the police are asking anyone with information about this crime to come forward by calling their local detachment or by contacting Crime Stoppers.
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