If you are looking for some food to spice up your life, you can head on down to Auto Wonderland, east of Morrisburg, where partners Luigi Cerquozzi and Tony Crea are cooking up some authentic Italian dishes at their Pizza•Pasta•Panini concession stand.
“It’s a venture dealing with authentic homemade Italian cuisine,” says Crea of he and his brother-in-law’s concession stand located on the Auto Wonderland property. The property, in recent weeks, has been undergoing some landscaping which has unveiled a beautiful pond along with some attractive treed areas.
Canadians, Luigi and Tony each has roots in Italy. “We are from two different parts of Italy,” says Crea. “That’s what makes it so nice. I am from Southern Italy, and I specialize in the Italian Panini and sausages. Luigi is from middle Italy, and he is more into pizza, pastas and desserts.”
“What you will eat here is what I feed my kids,” explains Crea as he takes a moment to relax on one of several picnic tables available to diners. “Basically, everything is homemade, we even have homemade sausage.”
Cerquozzi and Crea live in Ottawa and have had their Italian cuisine concession stand on the Auto Wonderland property open for approximately one month. In addition to the on-site food service, Pizza•Pasta•Panini will cater on and off site for birthday parties, anniversaries, weddings, festivals etc.
“I am getting a good response,” says Crea. “People are telling me that finally they have something to look forward to other than fries. We are family owned and operated, and we are trying to give good food.”
The decision to open the Italian concession stand came about from the partners love of cooking and of course their love of their Italian food.
Cerquozzi has owned the Wonderland property for about 18 years, but has mainly used the building storage area.
Now with the addition of Pizza•Pasta•Panini, the Wonderland property is being enhanced to make it available to host events or festivals, such as car or boats shows, anything really that needs property for an event. The brothers-in-law also plan to host their own events.
“It’s a change of life and a change of work as well,” says Crea, whose background is in construction. “I adore people and like to see them smile. I look forward to that each day. And when I see the smiles, then I know I am doing something right.”
With the steady traffic on County Road 2, easy access to the site off the 401 and nearby Upper Canada Village the partners are hoping they have a winning combination.
Crea proudly points to the Pizza/Pasta/Panini menu which features Paninis (10 selections), Pasta (five selections), Pizza (eight inch round personal, nine selections), Salads, Snacks and Desserts of Tiramisu and Italian Ice Cream.
For catering information or to order, please call 613-543-4276.
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