Enjoying the summer at a picnic in the park


On July 22, at Guindon Park, Stormont, Dundas and South Glengarry MPP Jim McDonell hosted a summer picnic for everyone in his riding. According to his ‘tweet’ later that day: “SD&SG Riding Picnic was a great success today with almost 200 enjoying sausages, hamburgers and good company.”

The picnic is expected to be an annual event and, according to McDonell’s executive assistant Marilyn McMahon, “It gives the people a chance to chat with and maybe meet the MPP, if they have not met him before, and it  allows the MPP to have an opportunity to meet and chat with the people.”

South Dundas residents Lorne Strader and Doris Stewart were just two of the residents in McDonell's riding to attend and enjoy the picnic. Strader recently received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his many years of service to his community.

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