Letter to the Editor – Hunger Awareness Week


Dear Editor,

Hunger Awareness Week is May 7 to 11.

During the month of May, we are asking workplaces across Dundas County to pick a day for everyone to bring their lunch to work, and donate what they would otherwise spend to the Dundas County Food Bank.

We are also, during the month of May, offering food bank tours for groups and individuals and ask that you call ahead to indicate your interest. 

Dundas County Food Bank is seeing a steady increase in the number of visits for the first quarter of 2012, with approximately 15 per cent more compared to last year.

Current needs include canned fruit and vegetables, cereal, Kraft dinner and pasta sauce; also needed are toiletry items and school snacks.

It is with the kind support from individuals like you, in our community, that enables us to continue on-going efforts to our neighbours in need.

Your donations are greatly appreciated and recognized.

Those looking for more information can visit www.hungerawarenessday.ca, or contact our local food bank for more information.


Donna Quesnel, Administrator

Dundas County Food Bank

Winchester and Morrisburg

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