Meanwhile back at the Branch… Iroquois Legion news


Branch 370 news by Shelley Cumberland

With one Remembrance Day ceremony held this past Sunday, in Iroquois, there is one left that falls under the auspices of our Branch at the IL (Iroquois Legion). The Matilda Township ceremony will be held Friday, November 11th at 11am. Sgt-at-arms Ralph Martin is looking for more members to volunteer for the colour party for this event. There is no need to sign up, just show up at the Branch at 10a.m.

The annual Honours and Awards Banquet was held at the IL this past Saturday night, celebrated with a potluck dinner. Congratulations to Comrade Steve Merkley who was chosen as this year’s Legionnaire of the Year.

Veterans Service Bureau Officer John Morrison will be visiting the IL during the week of November 14th.

There will be a Turkey Dart Shoot on December 10th, starting at 11a.m. Cost is $2 per round and there will be a blind draw for teams.

It is Legion dues time! The Early Bird special is $30 until November 30th. After that, dues go up to $40 until December 31st. So stop by the bar and pick up your new card.

There are sign up sheets posted for a couple of sporting events at the IL. Zone Cribbage will be held in Morrisburg, this year on November 26th. So, you need to sign up ASAP! Zone Euchre will be held at the IL, on January 28th.

Hot lunch this Friday will be chicken stew with dumplings, with cranapple crisp and custard for dessert. Wing night gets going at 6 p.m. that evening. 

Have a good week everyone! Cheers.

Thought of the week: Although no sculptured marble should rise to their memory, nor engraved stone bear record of their deeds, yet will their remembrance be as lasting as the land they honoured. Daniel Webster 1782 – 1852.

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