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Hospital home to ‘flash mob’
Media Release
Close to 50 Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH) staff members and physicians took over the front lobby and the upper balcony at noon on April 3 for an impromptu flash mob to celebrate National Nursing Oncology Day.
Led by chemotherapy nurse Stephanie Ouellette, the group danced to ‘Firework’ decked out in orange and cranberry outfits, the colours of the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology.
“WDMH is proud of its oncology nurses who provide specialized care to cancer patients in the region,” notes Cholly Boland, CEO. “In fact, all of WDMH’s chemotherapy nurses are certified through the de Souza Institute e-learning centre and are recognized for their advanced cancer care nursing knowledge and skills.”
Oncology nurses all over Canada raised awareness by doing the same flash mob dance to the same music at the same time in public spaces across Canada. At the end of the event, staff observed a moment of silence in remembrance of past oncology patients.

OPP warn of metal thefts
The OPP East Region Crime Unit is warning business and home owners of metal thefts.
Since January 2010, the OPP in eastern Ontario have investigated 227 incidents involving the theft of rolls of copper, wiring and pipes.
Suspects have been stealing metal worth hundreds of thousands from larger industrial locations, to small pieces of piping from behind toilets.
In 2010, the OPP in East Region investigated 86 thefts of metals, in 2011-141 incidents and so far in 2012-45 reported thefts.
These thefts have occurred from business locations to residential properties and summer cottages.
The OPP encourage everyone to take extra precaution in safe guarding materials and buildings. The public can assist by reporting suspicious activity immediately to their nearest police agency.
Anyone with information about this or any other crime is asked to call the OPP at 613-267-2626, their local police or CrimeStoppers.
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