Provincial infrastructure grant increase of 15 per cent for South Dundas

MORRISBURG – South Dundas is one of three municipalities within the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry that will have more provincial money to spend at budget time. Recently released Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund allocations show a 15 per cent increase to some municipalities due to funding formula changes.

South Dundas, North Glengarry, and North Stormont each received the maximum increase in the annual funding for infrastructure renewal. For 2025, that increase adds another $88k to the $676,324 that South Dundas will receive from the Ontario government.

North Glengarry will see an additional $97k to their yearly grant, North Stormont $48.5k. In all, their provincial grants increase to $743,696 and $371,947 respectively.

North Dundas’ OCIF grant for 2025 increased by 10.1 per cent to $515,475, while South Stormont’s increased by 4.46 per cent to $883,374.

SDG Counties’ will receive an additonal $187k thanks to a nearly 10 per cent in its grant for 2025. That grant will provide $2.06 million for infrastructure.

South Glengarry was the net loser out of the Counties region. They were hit with a 15 per cent reduction in its OCIF grant, dropping to $475k for 2025, a loss of over $87k from 2024.

The funding calculates the age of core infrastructure like roads and bridges, weighs those against other OCIF eligible municipalities, and provides more funding for municipalities ranked with older infrastructure nearing its end of use.

Municipalities that have newer or recently replaced infrastructure see less in OCIF funding.

Outside of SDG Counties, the City of Cornwall also will receive a 15 per cent increase ($659k) to $5.05 million in 2025.

Edwardsburgh-Cardinal will see a 15 per cent drop in its funding, lowering to $475k next year. North Grenville also loses 15 per cent of its OCIF grant, dropping to $4.2 million, and Prescott loses 4.8 per cent, down to $473k. E-C and Prescott just completed major infrastructure projects, while North Grenville is part way through an over $40-million expansion of County Road 43 through Kemptville.

In Cornwall, Minister of Colleges and Universities – and SDSG MPP – Nolan Quinn will hold a photo opportunity at the SDG Counties offices announcing the new OCIF amounts on November 13.

Between 2015-25, South Dundas has received over $4.7 million through the OCIF program, leading the six lower-tier municipalities.

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