Tornado touchdown in Morrisburg

MORRISBURG – An EF0 tornado reported last Wednesday (August 21) in the north end of Morrisburg has been confirmed by the Western University Northern Tornadoes Project.

The tornado touched down at around 3:45 p.m. with an estimated maximum wind speed of approximately 115 kilometres per hour. The track of the tornado was approximately 0.6 kilometres, and the width of the path at the ground was about 70 metres – travelling from the north.

The NTP conducted a ground and drone survey Thursday following witness accounts. The damage centred in the Blakes Crescent area and County Road 31.

A fence and gazebo were damaged, along with several fallen tree branches and uprooted small trees.

The tornado was one of two resulting from an intense rain storm on Wednesday in the region. An earlier EF0 tornado was reported southwest of Newington at around 3:25 p.m.

Aaron Lawrence Jaffe, an engineering researcher who led the survey in Morrisburg told The Leader that there were many forms of evidence used to classify this as a tornado.

“The evidence used to classify this tornado included several witness accounts of the tornado, a long path of damage relative to the maximum width (590 m long, 70 m wide) that included several uprooted or snapped trees (most of them not waterlogged), and radar analysis,” he said.

An hour after the tornado, several residents were seen cleaning up broken branches and debris. There were no reported injuries and there is no assessed value to the damage from the tornado.

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