MORRISBURG – South Dundas is without an economic development officer and the future of that position is unclear.
Rob Hunter, who has served as South Dundas EDO for almost eight years, was dismissed by the municipality last week.
During Hunter’s tenure here in South Dundas the Community Improvement Program and business excellence awards were established. He also served as staff liaison to the former tourism and economic development committees of council.
Asked by The Leader what the plan is for economic development in South Dundas, Chief Administrative Officer Tim Mills said: “It is business as usual at the Municipality, with the same commitment to service excellence and economic development supports.”
Will South Dundas hire a new EDO?
“That will be determined in the near future,” said Mills. “We are presently reviewing the organizational chart, which includes roles and responsibilities of current staff.”
In the interim, “the portfolio is being handled through the CAO and clerk’s office, with support from designated staff (where applicable).”
South Dundas mayor Jason Broad said that: “the initiatives started will continue as the role and responsibilities will be evolving as we look at our organization under CAO Mills. We feel comfortable in the interim to meet the needs of our eager council to grow South Dundas and be responsive to any opportunities.”
Asked if this most recent staffing change is the last in the staff restructuring, Mills said at this time he cannot say whether it is or it isn’t as he needs to be sensitive to personnel.
Asked if the staffing changes are a cost cutting measure, Mills said that is to be determined as the budget has not yet been brought to council.
General budget deliberations in South Dundas will get started in January.