MORRISBURG – March 15, the Morrisburg Downtown Business Improvement Area met to appoint its executive and 2023 budget at the annual general meeting at the McIntosh Inn, Morrisburg.
Using $11,150, half of its reserve funds left over from a couple of years of inactivity, to offset the 2023 budget, the DBIA’s $61,500 budget will mean $50,000 will be levied on member property taxes to fund the organization and its activities.
DBIA activities include advertising, promotions, area beautification and a handful of events which traditionally take place seasonally.
South Dundas councillor Cole Veinotte is the council appointed committee representative and he told the 14 people in attendance that economic and business development is a “large priority” for this council. “We want to help you prosper and grow.”
Members of the board let Veinotte know that paving the parking lot would go a long way to supporting the businesses who are already here in the Morrisburg Downtown Business Improvement Area.
“We have ideas, but I can’t speak publicly about them,” said Veinotte. “Know that it is one of our biggest priorities. The parking lot is abysmal and we know it. We’re trying to figure out how we are going to afford it.”

DBIA member Victoria Windle suggested to Veinotte that a smaller project the municipality could undertake sooner would be to actually provide a connection from the new street-scape walkway to the mall.
Veinotte agreed to go and look at what is needed and to bring the idea back to the next South Dundas council meeting.
The membership who attended the AGM appointed David Lapp as chair, Kathy Moger as vice chair, Victoria Windle secretary and James Arsenault treasurer.The group also approved Tracy Veinotte and Arla Casselman-Veinotte joining the board.