Recreation in South Dundas just got a little more expensive

MORRISBURG – Municipal fees and service charges are on the rise in South Dundas.

South Dundas council unanimously agreed to the 2023 Fees and Charges update that applies to specific municipal services and programs.

The report presented by director of parks, recreation and facilities David Jansen, reflects the fees and charges reviewed and discussed by council during its closed session training and orientation meeting January 18.

Fees at the Galop Canal Marina will increase 22 per cent for the upcoming boating season.

The Iroquois Campground will see across the board increases of seven per cent when it opens for the 2023 camping season.

Swimming lesson fees are increasing from $55 to $60.

Next fall ice rentals at the Morrisburg arena will increase $20, $30 or $40 per hour depending on the time of use and type of user.

The new fee for prime time ice rentals will increase to $180 per hour from the current rate of $150. Youth league/club rentals will increase to $115 per hour from the current $95 rate.

Councillor Danielle Ward asked Jansen if the hockey and skating clubs are amenable to the increases?

“Both groups knew it was coming,” said Jansen.

“This is not a surprise,” said South Dundas mayor Jason Broad, adding that these increases will hit the bottom line for registrants.

Hall rentals for the Matilda Hall, Iroquois Civic Centre and South Dundas Recreation Room will move to a standardized fee schedule which will see rental fees of $200 a day for non-licensed events.

Half-day rentals and reduced rates continue to be available.

Hall rentals for fire victims, personal injury and funeral luncheons are available at no charge.

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