South Dundas raises Ukrainian flag in support

South Dundas council raised the Ukrainian flag at the South Dundas Municipal Centre on March 14. (The Leader/Blancher photo)

MORRISBURG – Like many municipalities in Ontario, South Dundas council raised the Ukrainian flag in support of that country in its war with Russia.

“We cannot begin to understand the depth of fear, sorrow, and desperation the people of Ukraine are experiencing,” said Mayor Steven Byvelds at the March 14 flag raising at the South Dundas Municipal Centre.

“The flag is a symbol of our solidarity with Ukraine to stand against the heinous war crimes committed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. As we watch and read of the tragedies abroad, we will keep Ukraine in our hearts and thoughts, and provide supports where we can.”

According to Statistics Canada, there were 65 people of Ukrainian descent living in the municipality at the time of the 2016 Census.

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