No COVID-19 at Dundas Manor

WINCHESTER – The residents and staff at Dundas Manor received good news May 6th: no COVID-19. The long-term care facility located in Winchester was tested on May 1st by the Eastern Ontario Health Unit, and the results were received May 5th and 6th.

“These results are a wonderful confirmation of how effective everyone’s planning and efforts have been over the past two months and I want to thank the Dundas Manor team,” said Dundas Manor CEO Cholly Boland. “The results only reflect our testing status as of last Friday. We will continue our vigilance and if residents and staff display any symptoms of illness, they will be tested.”

The testing of all residents and staff in area long-term care homes was mandated by Eastern Ontario Health Unit Medical Officer of Health Dr. Paul Roumeliotis following an outbreak at the Pinecrest Nursing Home in Plantagenet over a week ago. More than 15 staff and residents of that facility have tested positive for COVID-19, and two residents of Pinecrest have died. The Woodland Villa long-term care home in Long Sault has a smaller outbreak with fewer than five staff and residents infected with the virus.

Testing of all long-term care homes in the EOHU area is slated to be completed by the end of this week.

Dundas Manor administrator Susan Poirier said that the health and safety of residents and staff is the number one priority.

“We will continue to take every precaution to keep them safe,” Poirier said.

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