St. Lawrence stage ends season, final shows rescheduled to 2021

The global COVID-19 pandemic, and Ontario State of Emergency declaration, has changed everything for the entertainment industry, including the local entertainment scene. 

Last week, the Upper Canada Playhouse already cancelled two of its concerts and is waiting until May 4th to make further decisions about its upcoming summer season.

This week, the St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage, which this time of year would normally be heading into the final few shows of its 2019/2020 season, announced its plans for its final two shows.

Two concerts – the April Our Good Lovelies concert and the May Hawksley Workman concert – are both being postponed until 2021. 

The rescheduled dates are February 13, 2021 for Our Good Lovlies and March 6, 2021 for Hawksley Workman.

Sandra Whitworth of the St. Lawrence Stage board of directors said that any tickets that people already have for the shows this year, will be honoured on the revised dates.

“We’re hoping most people holding tickets for the final two shows will be able to join us next year,” Whitworth told The Leader. “If people don’t know yet if the new dates work for them, there’s no rush. We will offer refunds into next season as we get closer to the date.”

For those who do need a refund now, Whitworth says they will be issuing refunds exclusively by email, not in person.

For those needing a refund they must email Whitworth at the following: 

Tickets will need to be returned by mail to receive the refund. Details will be emailed to those seeking a refund.

Pass-holders can receive a credit towards the purchase of future passes and again those needing a refund are welcome to email for details as well.  

Whitworth hopes that they will be announcing the lineup for the 2020/2021 season in August.

“Sadly, our season had to be truncated, though I don’t think any of this is coming as a surprise to any of our audience at this point,” said Whitworth.

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