We are only a week into this State of Emergency, the starting mile of the long marathon we face in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic here in South Dundas; and in the broader world.
In the weeks leading up to the State of Emergency, and in this past week, we have seen many people in the community playing their part to get through this. People whose jobs are normally not seen as being heroic are now being seen in this new light of importance and deserve recognition.
Those jobs include the cashiers and employees at our local grocery stores, who are going the extra mile on the front line. Stocking shelves, checking out customers, the anchor-bolt of a vital supply chain. These people are cleaning, cleaning, and cleaning again while helping others.
The same can be said for those working at our local pharmacies and other retailers. All are stepping up, time and again, to help during these times.
We can’t say enough about the health care workers. From the receptionists, nurses and doctors, to the paramedics, all who are directly facing this pandemic. Testing and treating those who have contracted COVID-19, at considerable risk to their own personal safety, and sacrificing family time to help others in need.
This is the same for those who work in the long-term care facilities and retirement homes. These buildings are practically locked down to protect the part of our society who are at highest risk to the Coronavirus. The staff who are tasked with helping those in these facilities are owed a debt of gratitude.
And to our school teachers, many of whom are reaching out to their students electronically. Helping students who are struggling with the massive changes to their lives, and helping them occupy some of the extra free time students face.
Hopefully – once we reach the finish line and return to a semblance of normalcy – people will keep this new-found appreciation for the work that people do in our community. There are no such things as small jobs anymore. Thank you to all the heroes.
And to those of you who are refusing to self-isolate for 14 days after returning from travel – shame on you for putting our friends, neighbours, family, and community heroes at risk. You know who you are. Stay home, please!