This week in The Leader:
- Ross on the verge of $15 million expansion;
- Matilda landfill expansion becomes favoured option;
- Lewis out as South Dundas CBO;
- Second annual TAMI tournament raises nearly $22,000;
- Wells awarded $532,199 tender for Campground Building;
- Liberals nominate Megill in SDSG;
- A second look at the water towers;
- Garbage Mumpsimus;
- $8,300 donated to Camp BUCKO in memory of Jay Merkley;
- 39th annual Terry Fox Run Sept 15th;
- A brilliant production: Same Time, Next Year now playing at UCP;
- These stories and much more.
Pick up your copy of The Leader, in stores now. Select stories online starting Thursday. Also watch for continuing coverage online, and in print of the 2019 Federal Election.