Boat haul out approved for Thanksgiving weekend

SOUTH DUNDAS – The board of the International Lake Ontario St. Lawrence River Board approved a one weekend increase in water levels on Lake St. Lawrence to assist with the removal of boats and equipment this fall.

From October 11-14, water flow through the Long Sault control dam and the Saunders power dam in Cornwall will be reduced, allowing the lake levels to increase.

“Everyone is encouraged in working expeditiously and make arrangements to remove their equipment at the first opportunity that weekend,” said Rob Caldwell with the ILOSLR. “There will be no further assistance efforts possible on other weekend.”

Caldwell noted that the temporary water holdback on Lake St. Lawrence will not have any long-term impact on levels upstream of the Iroquois control dam.

“It will cause a very minor rise, less than one centimetre upstream of Iroquois,” he said. “These effects will be short-lived and nullified thereafter.”

There will also be a significant drop in water levels on Lake St. Louis and in the Port of Montreal over this weekend.

The ILOSLR has offered these one-weekend temporary increases to assist with boat haul out for many years on Lake St. Lawrence.

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