Seaway Spartan golf tournament August 27th

The annual Seaway Spartans Golf Tournament is set for August 27th at the Iroquois Golf Club.

The tournament is a fundraiser in support of the athletic programs at Seaway District High School and is sponsored in part by the Iroquois-Matilda Lions Club.

“We have a great prize table and a great event planned,” said Mark Lewis, Athletic Director at Seaway District High School.

“We need people to come out to support us and sign up.”

The four-person scramble event includes 18-holes of golf, cart, a light lunch, roast beef supper, and a donation to the athletic program at SDHS. The tournament has a shotgun start at 12 noon.

Funds raised are invested into equipment, uniforms, paying for referees and transportation costs.

“We pay more money than any other school in the board for transportation,” said Lewis.

The registration deadline is August 24th. Late registrations may be accepted though.

Registration forms and information are available through the Iroquois-Matilda Lions Club, or the Iroquois Golf Club.

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