Sun shines, Brownell beams with pride over the 2015 SDG International Plowing Match

According to Ontario Plowmen's Association president, Charles Leduc, 82,820 patrons attended the 2015 IPM.

The weather couldn't have been better and IPM chair Jim Brownell couldn't have been happier with the 2015 SDG International Plowing Match that took place last week near Finch.

“Really, there were hundreds of highlights, but the thrill for me was to see and hear the excitement of so many patrons,” concluded Brownell. 

“It took three years to plan, and five days to execute, but things flowed so positively! The 1,000 plus volunteers showed ambition and pride that is a hallmark of those who live, work, and play in SDG, City of Cornwall, and Akwesasne.”

The September 30th edition of The Leader has more from Brownell and a photo feature on the spectacular event.


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