Lisa Gibson launches wellness business


“I was sick and tired of being sick and tired,” said Lisa Gibson as she sat down Thursday, September 17, to talk about her newly launched fitness business, Lisa’s Fitness and why, at the age of 44, she decided it was time to get fit.

“I was 44 years old, and I had struggled with depression for most of my adult life. I had looked at other methods to combat the depression, and it was my cognitive therapist who suggested that I get active. I had never been athletic in school, and after a few trips to the gym, I realized I was going to hurt myself if I didn’t get proper advise.”

That led to fitness training in Brockville, where Gibson says she learned “what all came with fitness.”

“I didn’t realize that fitness is not just about physical wellness; It’s about mind, body and spiritual wellness.”

“I came full circle, I was sick and I wanted to get well, The physical aspect came around, along with the mental wellness, and now I’m living a better quality of life at 49, than I ever really had before.”

It was about a year ago, that Gibson decided she wanted to become a personal trainer to share what she had learned and the wonderful results of being fit.

“I realized the impact the many fitness people I had worked with, had on my life, and I wanted to help others the way they had helped me.”But then, as she puts it, “life got in the way” and the idea was put on the back burner.

Recently, Gibson worked through an episode of depression, and it was during her treatment that a therapist told her very frankly, that she did in fact have her act together.

“I told him I knew how to cope with this, but you know, sometimes the biggest journey is from your head to your heart.”

However, that one little statement from her therapist was a major catalyst for Gibson . “He empowered me with those words So for three days, I sat and regrouped. No phones, no outside world. And I realized, I had to change the way I thought.”

“We get caught up in society, the pressures, the jobs, the kids…they are the things we feel we are obliged to do. We are of a mind set ‘we have to do’ rather than ‘I want to do’. I realized I was living a life of had to’s.”

That realization put Gibson on  the track of ‘I want to’ and she revisited her desire to become a fitness trainer.

Several weeks of intense study for a Canfit Pro course, followed by the successful completion of a three part test on Saturday, September 12, and she was on her way. By Monday, September 14, “Lisa’s Fitness” business was up and running, and on Tuesday, September 15, she met with her first client.

Gibson explains the Canfit Pro course is very thorough…teaching how energy flows, about muscle, cardio, basic nutrition and injury prevention. She is confident the intense course and the 3.5 years of her own training and learning has armed her with the tools and knowledge to help put others on the path to fitness and feeling good.

Lisa’s Fitness is offering one on one individual personal training in the private setting of her home. She currently has a room set aside with equipment she picked up during her training, but has plans of converting a large basement space to a gym within the next couple of months.

She will work with all ages, all body types, Mondays through Saturdays, days and evenings. Sessions will be one hour and the number of session per week will be up to the individual and his/her goals and objectives.

She feels that people will be comfortable in the privacy of her home. “Women traditionally want to exercise alone, and some people just starting out are typically self conscious. A private setting is perfect for these people.”

“This is not about bodybuilding,” she adds. “It is just about overall good health. You will of course build muscle, which is good.”

Gibson remembers that when she first started her personal training she was going to a chiropractor once a week. “I knew my weight was probably causing my back problems. But I was not uncomfortable with how I looked. I was uncomfortable with the way I felt.”

She points out that once she started, the weight started coming off and her posture also improved. She was strengthening her muscles and they began to act the way they are supposed to. No more chiropractor. 

For more information or to join Lisa’s Fitness it is a simple as getting in touch with her.

“Everything will begin with a consultation. We will talk about goals and see if we are compatible. Together we will come up with a program taylored to a person’s specific goal and time availability. We will work together here, and they will have a program they can work on at home.”

Gibson says she is delighted to be able to share her knowledge and to help others discover the benefits of physical wellness on the mind and on the body.

If you would like more information or to meet Lisa, please call 613-571-5237 or go to her Lisa’s Fitness page on Facebook.


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