Morrisburg and District figure skater, Alexis Engwerda added yet another award to a successful season on Sunday, May 3, when she was named the Eastern Ontario Section Program Assistant of the Year at the annual awards gala held in Kingston.
“Alexis has had an incredibly exciting and successful skating season,” says her professional skate coach, Allison Scott. “And her latest achievement of Program Assistant of the Year for the Eastern Ontario Section is the ‘icing on the cake’ so to speak.”
Since the spring of 2014, Engwerda has earned her Gold Skills, passed seven dances and a junior silver freeskate test and half of her senior silver freeskate. She was the silver medalist at the Eastern Ontario Championships and then Champion at the All-Ontario.
Still on the ice, but now giving back to her favourite sport and the young skaters in the Morrisburg and District Figure Skate program, Engwerda was chosen by her club for the Program Assistant Award for her “unwavering devotion and selfless commitment to teaching the younger skaters twice a week on the club Canskate program.”
She was also nominated by her club for the award at the Section level.
“This is a remarkable achievement and exciting for the club to have someone recognized at the Section level,” said Scott.
The Eastern Ontario Section Achievement Awards pay tribute to athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers who make a significant impact to figure skating.
Engwerda and the award winners from throughout Eastern Ontario were piped into the Vimy Officer’s mess, CFB Kingston and served lunch before receiving their awards.
Alaine Chartrand, Canadian National Senior Women’s silver medallist, who has been training with some local skaters during the spring season in Cardinal, was also present and recognized for her successful season. She spoke of her adventures and challenges of the past year.
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