Chilren’s Treatment Centre Bike-A-Thon Plus set for May 23rd

If spring alone wasn’t enough of a reason for a bicycle tune-up, the Children’s Treatment Centre’s major annual fundraiser should provide some extra motivation.

The Bike-A-Thon Plus will be back for a sixth year in Dundas county on May 23, with activities in both townships that will raise money for the agency that depends solely on community donations to provide its essential services.

Though headquartered in Cornwall, the Children’s Treatment Centre provides counselling for abused children throughout the United Counties as well as Akwesasne. 

The Centre offers assessment and ongoing treatment to families who have been impacted by sexual, emotional or physical abuse, and also works to prevent these traumas in the first place.

Since its launch in 1996, nearly 2,300 children from over 1,900 families have been cared for by professional psychologist, psychiatrist and counsellors at the Children’s Treatment Centre.

Dundas county alone has made over 215 referrals to the Centre, and for the last few years has also made direct financial contributions to keep its doors open. 

“The Dundas chapter of the Bike-A-Thon Plus – which began in Cornwall three decades ago and has since become the second largest fundraiser for the Centre – has raised between $5,000 and $9,000 for the Centre each year” said Doug Grenkie, a Coordinator of the event.

Both North and South Dundas townships will have events on Saturday, May 23, including a bike and walk.

Participants can begin registering at 10 a.m. at the Lions Pavilion, Winchester Arena or North Dundas High School. Walkers will head out from the high school around noon, with both cyclists and walkers heading to the Chesterville Fairgrounds for a barbecue at 1 p.m.

Those participating in the southern township will start and finish at the Morrisburg Docksyde, which will also be the place for refreshments in the afternoon.

Pledge forms are available in Morrisburg at the law office of Gorrell, Grenkie & Remillard, in Chesterville at the law office of Cass, Grenkie & Remillard and at the Children’s Treatment Centre in Cornwall. Those who raise $30 or more will receive a t-shirt or magnet, as well as draw tickets for every $10 in donations to win various prizes including cash. 

For additional information, contact event coordinators Doug Grenkie in South Dundas at 613-543-2922, or Natasha Hodge in North Dundas at 613-774-3978.

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