Curlers sweep in the holiday


Christmas is nearly here. We have no better indication of this than the weekend completion of our Christmas bonspiel. 

Fortunately for our health when discussing such matters with our iceman, there were no turkeys tossed down the ice, as happened when we used to call this a “turkey” bonspiel. It was fun though.

Wally McDonald and his cousin Kathy Kritchlow respectively won the door prizes on Saturday for the “guess the number of candy canes in the jar” prize and for the lovely basket of goodies. In addition there were a number of fine matches. 

The best score of the day came from prize winners Andy Patenaude, Greta McGann, Maurice Kolff and Denis Thibault. Also winning two games were Susan McIntosh, Betty Locke, Dave McIntosh and Jim Locke, while honourable mentions are owed to Al Herriman’s and Paul St. Pierre’s foursomes. The lunch was great, everyone admired the “new” kitchen, the ice was fast, and the rocks curled beautifully. Thanks to all who organized the event and helped pull things off.

Last Friday our senior men hosted three Cornwall teams in a friendly bonspiel. Andy Patenaude, Ted Herriman, Ron Beaupre and Peter Byvelds lost to the visitors, while Don O’Brien, Arnold Barkley, Wayne Pulfer and Lynn Loucks trounced their opponents. Raymond Benoit, Bud Perry, Sam Locke and Bob Bechard did their best, but let victory slip from their grasp to appear “friendly” to their big city opposition. 

The usual fine meal after the bonspiel was served and enjoyed by all, as was the humour. By the way, I called the matching counters “granite”, and they look like it, but I’ve been assured that our executive wouldn’t overspend. They do look great, though.

Four of our little rockers were in Manotick recently for their bonspiel and had a very good day. James Szuky, J.J. Charette, Tommy Derickz and Ewan Wilson beat Winchester 6-1 in their first game, and tied Vankleek Hill 2-2 in their second. Their final match, for first place, was a heartbreaker, a 4-2 loss to Navan. 

The win was soured for some when the Navan coach was caught giving signals to his team during the match. This is forbidden, since a time-out must be called for discussions with players during a match. The convenor spoke to the Navan coach, who promised never to do it again.

Sometimes people forget how they are supposed to behave when coaching young people. Hope the message is remembered. 

Anyway, our little rockers are off now until January 18, when they travel to Metcalfe. Well done folks! Good luck in Metcalfe.

There are still a few openings for the annual New Year’s Eve bonspiel, dance, and party. Sign up at the club if interested.

With wind-up matches and league parties coming up, some are thinking ahead to curling in the new year. We’ll have any details about the current draw, etc., next week, and that write-up will likely be the last until January.

Not that we’re boasting, but with the completion of the kitchen, entry ramp, and main floor handicapped washroom, the clubhouse is ready to entertain all renters for bonspiels, staff parties and other events as desired.



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