The 19th hole


A $10 gift certificate exchange was the highlight of last Wednesday, September 4, ladies night. Forty-four golfers were aiming for closest to the hole shots to pick up a gift certificate, but only one was successful.

That was Vicki Boivin with the closest to the hole shot made on the par three fifth hole.  There were no winners on either of the course’s other two par threes, number 2 and number 8. 

The longest putt of the ladies night on the ninth green was made by Laurie Dillabough at just over 10 feet.

Tonight (Wednesday, September 11), Phil Rankin will be dropping in at the ladies night to give a short-game clinic and to talk about Nancy Lopez golf/clubs.

Men’s night on Thursday, September 5, was sponsored by Canadian Tire in Morrisburg. 

Closest to the pin winners were Larry Gallinger on #2 and Lindsay Weegar on #8.

Bob Mann won for the low gross in A flight with a 38 (retro) and Doug McNairn was the low shooter of the evening with a 36, which was good for the low gross prize in B flight. In C flight, Bob Barclay claimed the win with a 44.

Net winners were Chuck Irvine in A flight, Greg Millard in B and Barry Henderson in C.

Coming up this Saturday, September 14 is the Morrisburg Golf Club’s Men’s closing day event scheduled for a shotgun start at 10 a.m. 

The course will be closed for most of the day.

Coming up on Saturday, October 5, is the annual Fall Finale Mixed 2-Ball. This is the final of the three very popular mixed two balls held at the club each season, and is open to members and non-members. For information on registration and costs, please contact the clubhouse. 


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