100 birthday candles for Cornelia Polak

On Thursday, January 10, her family and many friends will be thinking of longtime Morrisburg resident, Cornelia Polak when she celebrates her 100th birthday at the Wellington House in Prescott where she currently resides. 

Sunday, following the service at Lakeshore Drive United Church where Mrs. Polak was a longtime active member, her many friends in Morrisburg and her family gathered for a pre-birthday celebration. 

Orchestrating the 100th birthday celebration were Mrs. Polak’s children John and Florence (Oglestone), pictured left. 

All but one of Mrs. Polak’s six grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren (a ninth is due in March) were able to attend. 

Born in the Netherlands in 1913, Cornelia married her late husband Kurt Polak on September 25, 1945. The two came to Canada, with their two young children in May 1952. They became well known members of the Morrisburg and area community after settling here in 1955. From the old town until the early 1970s, the Polaks owned the popular Dutch Shop. 

After her husband’s death, Cornelia remained at her home in west-end Morrisburg until about six years ago when she moved to The Hartford. Her health eventually resulted in her move to Wellington House. 

On behalf of his mother, John thanked everyone for attending Sunday’s celebration. He invited each guest to take home a rose and “on Thursday think of mom on her birthday.”

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