Local Leos support V.E.T.S. Canada


The Morrisburg and District Leo club has never done anything special to acknowledge Remembrance Day, so one of their members, 14 year old Dawson Clouthier, had an idea that he shared with the club.

“I saw an ad on the TV about V.E.T.S. Canada, so I checked them out on Facebook,” said Dawson. 

He supported them himself by liking them on Facebook, and thought that maybe the Leos could do something to donate to the cause.

V.E.T.S. Canada (Veterans Emergency Transition Services)provides aid and comfort to transient and homeless Canadian veterans by providing the essentials in emergencies, and assisting those at risk.

“I am into helping vets. I want to be army,” said Dawson.

The staff at Scotiabank, Linda Robinson who coordinated the bake sale fund raising event for the Leos and Lisa Lewis who supervised the Leos bake sale at the Morrisburg arena were all happy to help Dawson and the Leos contribute to the cause.

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