Looking for Forever Homes December 5th


Hi, I’m a one to two year old Great Pyrenees. Like most Great Pyrenees, I am good with kids. I am house trained, but I like being indoors and outdoors equally. I pride myself in being very calm, a bit playful and friendly…I was found in the Iroquois area. (The Great Pyrenees is a large breed dog. Anyone interested in adopting this beauty should consider her size and her need for space. Great Pyrenees are known to be confident, gentle with children and very affectionate pets. 

Yep…you’ve got the big guy and then there is me…a wee young Jack Russell, just four to five months old. My puppy antics are keeping everyone at the South Dundas Animal shelter hopping to keep up…right Kevin??  Oops!!! I like the indoors and Kevin says I am very high energy. “Aren’t all puppies?” Geez. Anyways, Kevin says, I definitely need training even though I think I am just the friendliest thing ever. I was found in the Winchester area.

For information on this week’s dogs please call Kevin at the South Dundas Animal Shelter at 613-543-2980. There are no adoption charges. However, the shelter counts on donations (cash or food). This week, there are several other dogs at the shelter including a well-behaved and obedient large-sized hound mix that has impressed everyone with its kindly disposition and willingness to please.


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