World Suicide Prevention Day

September 10th has become World Suicide Prevention Day with communities around the world bringing attention to this tragic reality.
It is hoped that by discussing the topic, lives will be saved.

According to their recent press release, “This year the Suicide Prevention Coalition/Champlain East are urging our community to take time to learn about suicide, the warning signs and what to do.”

“Suicide is preventable and requires every person’s participation. Any one of us could play a part in helping to save a life.”

An article released by the same source pointed out: “The Eastern Ontario Health Unit released its Injury Report for Eastern Ontario in 2009 and suicide was found to be the highest in terms of mortality and intentional injury in most populations in our region for both men and women.”

Suicide is a real threat for communities at home, across the country, and around the world.

Communities all over Ontario and Canada are finding their own ways of bringing voice to suicide prevention with drum circles, butterfly release rituals, conferences, cycling and hiking tours – just to name a few.

Closer to home, in their recent press release, “LivingWorks Education Inc., the Ottawa Suicide Prevention Coalition and the Collateral Damage Project will host a concert on Saturday, September 10, 2011 at Ottawa’s Centrepointe Theatre headlining Inuk singer/songwriter, Susan Aglukark.”

“The event will celebrate the “Building Suicide Safer Communities” initiative, a Canadian campaign hosted by LivingWorks Education and the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention. The initiative advocates for nation-wide suicide prevention and saving lives lost through this highly ignored community health tragedy.”

This same release continues, saying that “this first time event held in Ottawa will be an opportunity to commemorate World Suicide Prevention Day in Canada and start the discussion about a National Strategy for Canada on Suicide Prevention which remains long overdue.”

So, what can you do?

The Champlain East Suicide Prevention Coalition  is encouraging open acknowledgement and education of suicide for everyone. Recognize the warning signs and know what to do.

Most importantly, ask for help.

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