They are not forgotten


Iroquois holds its Remembrance Day ceremony

It was cold, almost bitter, and the skies were grey in Iroquois on Sunday, November 4, as Iroquois held its Remembrance Day ceremony.

That did not stop people, all ages, from coming out to honour and remember the young men who laid down their lives for Canada in the great World Wars. Also remembered at the ceremony were the veterans of Korea, of many Canadian peace keeping missions and of Afghanistan.

The Iroquois Fire Department joined the Legion Colour Party and members of Branch #370 in the parade to the cenotaph, as did the scouts and many others.

During the services at the Legion and at the monument, the pipes and drums of the Kemptville Legion Branch #212 Pipe Band, directed by Pipe Major Mike Durant, played hymns and airs that would have been very familiar to the soldiers who served Canada’s colours. Everyone sang “O Canada” before the memorial.

Wreaths were presented on behalf of local organizations, businesses, churches, families and individuals. The young people of the community were also part of the service. MP Guy Lauzon laid a wreath on behalf of the federal government while MPP Jim McDonell placed one for the government of Ontario. Councillor Evonne Delegarde represented the Township of South Dundas. Two minutes of silence was observed.

Legion chaplain the Reverend Janet Evans led those present in prayer, finishing with the words, “We give You thanks for all who served their nation in time of trial, and for those who made the supreme sacrifice.” 

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