Opportunity to speak up for South Dundas


The opportunity has come to voice opinions about what the future of South Dundas should look like.

On March 21st and 22nd, South Dundas township is hosting four Community Vision Cafés, each in a different South Dundas location.

Chief Administrative Officer Stephen McDonald first approached council with the “Proposal for a Community Wide Strategic Plan” at the November 1, 2011 council meeting.

Once approved, McDonald set to work gathering bids for consulting firms, of which he received 10 entries. Council agreed, at the December 20, 2011 council meeting to hire Dillon Consulting Limited, an Ottawa-based company, for a cost of $24,870 plus HST.

In early March 2012, McDonald sent The Leader excerpts from the Dillon Consulting Limited’s plan document, outlining the details and expectations for the Community Vision Cafés.

The format for the cafés are described as follows: “The workshops provide an opportunity for participants to learn about the Community Strategic Plan project, the results of our initial review/ survey/ photo journal, and meet other residents and business owners to discuss the strengths, opportunities and vision for the future.”

In addition, it is suggested that “participants should have four to six major strategic directions/ themes/ priorities listed, and may have also identified some early specific actions for the strategic plan.”

“At the closure of the session, we will ask participants to specifically sign-up as champions for action planning later in the Strategic Planning process.”

According to McDonald, a status report will be ready for council to consider in April and, following this, an implementation plan will be presented in June. Council will then decide how and when to move forward with the findings.

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