Dare to Flash a ‘Stache

Seen one of these  lately?

Dare to Flash a ‘Stache will raise vital funds and awareness locally for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer.

Participants are invited to grow, groom, trim, wax or “fashion a fake” to make their way into the annals of fine moustachery from November 1st to Nov 30th.  

Before they get growing or styling, participants will have to register at www.flashastache.ca to start gathering pledges for themselves or their teams.  

At the SD&G Mutual Aid Fire Association Awards Banquet on August 20, dozens of local firefighters gathered to celebrate the recipients of four regional awards: attendance; fire prevention; fire training; and an all-around points award.  

Much to everyone’s surprise, a few regional leaders in the Mutual Aid donned moustaches to announce their support and to encourage participation among the rest of the attendees present and their fellow firefighters.

Asked about why firefighters might want to participate and support this event, Al Armstrong, Councilor, and Fire Commissioner for North Dundas  said, “Firefighters are without a doubt some of the most community-minded individuals.  There are thousands of dedicated volunteers working with service groups and other organizations, but firefighters are the only ones putting their lives on the line for their neighbours.” 

Armstrong added that, “it makes sense that prostate cancer would be a precious cause for firefighters, as the bulk of firefighters are male, and those who are female, likely have a spouse, brother, father, or friend that could benefit from increased awareness or fund raising efforts.”

It is important to know that funds raised will stay in this region.  A portion of the funds will support the WDMH Foundation Cancer Fund.  

The other half of the proceeds will be directed to critical research in connection with the Ottawa Hospital’s da Vinci robotics program (http://ohfoundation.ca/current-projects/patient-care/da-vinci-surgical-system). The Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation is the organization that is raising these funds. 

The committee hopes to have 500 participants for this exciting new event, For more information or to get a team registered today, go to www.flashastache.ca

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