The 30 mega-watt, 10 turbine South Branch Wind Project that will bring 10, 500’ tall industrial wind turbines to the Brinston area was approved, July 11, by the Ministry of the Environment.
Proponents of the project, EDP Renewables Canada already had a public construction meeting scheduled for July 17, at Matilda Hall in Dixon’s Corners.
Those opposing the project are disappointed to say the least.
The South Branch Wind Opposition Group had just recently met with council for information purposes and presented them with over 100 signatures of those in the Brinston area who support the idea of South Dundas declaring themselves ‘not a willing host’.
SBWOG had asked South Dundas council to vote on a resolution declaring that position, however, South Dundas council put off the motion until EDP was given the opportunity to make a similar presentation.
EDP was scheduled to make that presentation at this week’s council meeting.
In the meantime, the project was approved, making the resolution basically pointless, with respect to this project.
“I’m disappointed, but there is nothing I can do,” said Leslie Disheau, president of the South Branch Wind Opposition Group.
There is a 15 day appeal period to take the decision to Environmental Review Tribunal, but Disheau says the SBWOG will not file an appeal, as they do not have the resources to bring people in to testify on their behalf.
“If this council truly values the residents of Brinston, they will put in the bylaws to protect them,” said Disheau.
Disheau has suggested that nuisance bylaws for such things as noise and shadow-flicker be implemented and enforced by the Municipality of South Dundas, to protect area residents.
“The fight is just beginning,” said Disheau.
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