It was a Messy Day at the Beach on Friday, and for the 130 kids who attended the annual event, co-organized by South Dundas Recreation and Ontario Early Years, that was just fine.
“We were very happy with the turnout,” said Ben Macpherson, Recreation Program Coordinator for the Township of South Dundas. “We had about 60 kids last year, so we more than doubled the amount this year. To get that many kids out to the beach and participating in activities, I think, and I think Fiona would concur, is awesome. It exceeded expectations.”
“The kids had a blast. We had a lot of parents and children tell us how much fun they had.”
Fiona Carr, Family Resource Coordinator with Ontario Early Years agreed with Macpherson. “We’ve been doing this for probably six or so years now. It started with the Early Years and then we linked with South Dundas.”
The turnout on Friday far exceeded previous turnouts for the event.
In keeping with the theme for a Messy Day at the Beach, youngsters could squiggle and wiggle their toes in the pool of green-dyed noodles or explore (up to their elbows) a tub of pink goop. Then to wash it all off they headed over to the Cruickshank Amphitheatre Hill, where Macpherson was hosing down a giant water slide.
Once minus the goop and the noodles, they could participate at a craft table.
“We hope to see the same numbers out or even more to the Pirates Day at Iroquois Beach on August 10,” says Macpherson. “We have a great community and seeing that many people out having fun is always a good reminder of that fact.”
Youngsters from throughout South Dundas are invited to attend the Pirates Day at the Iroquois Beach on August 10 from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.
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