Although it was certainly far from the largest track and field team Seaway District High School has fielded, it had its moments, particularly at the senior girls level.
Leading this year’s Seaway team were veteran athletes Jessica Thompson and Gillian Beatson who won the top one and two spots at the SD&G meeting held at St. Lawrence High School in May.
Both are established track and field athletes and both train with the Ottawa Lions Track and Field Club.
Thompson scored the overall top senior girl award at the SD&G with gold medal finishes in the sprint hurdles, the 400m hurdles and the 400m.
Beatson was second with gold medal wins in long jump and the 200m, and a second behind her teammate in the sprint hurdles.
“They are both athletic kids” said Seaway track and field coach Trevor Thompson. “They are very talented and very good at individual sports. Both are successful figure skaters.”
Unfortunately, Seaway’s track team will be saying goodbye to Thompson who is in her final high school year.
According to coach Thompson, she is planning to attend the University of Windsor, “and is hoping to run track and field with them next year.”
Both of the girls advanced from the SD&G to EOSSAA which was held in Belleville.
Thompson qualified for the East Regional with a third in the 400m hurdles at EOSSAA and a fourth in sprints.
Although she competed at Regional, she wasn’t feeling well and did not complete her events.
Beatson claimed a third place finish in long jump at EOS
SAA but did not compete at Regionals.
Another highlight for Seaway was an SD&G gold medal win by Brodie Casselman in the senior boys 200m. Casselman also qualified for EOSSAA in the 100m. He competed in both at EOSSAA but did not claim a East Region qualifying position.
Also at the SD&G senior boys level, Monty Hamadi qualified for EOSSAA in the 400m. He did not compete at EOSSAA.
Ryan Douma qualified in shotput and the 400m hurdles at the SD&G and distance runner Denzil Barkley qualified in the 1500m and 3000m.
Neither was able to advance out of their EOSSAA events.
At the midget level, runner Riley Barry won the SD&G 100m and qualified in the 200 and 400m runs.
Matching him was Ali VanHoof who picked up a gold medal in triple jump and qualifying finishes in the 300 and 800m hurdles.
Neither of the two advanced past EOSSAA.
Overall, the kids worked hard,” said Thompson. “We started in the second week of March and travelled to three invitational meets.”
“For the most part, they all achieved personal bests. I really enjoyed working with them all. They are all great kids.
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