South Dundas getting older


“That’s the amazing part,” said South Dundas mayor Steven Byvelds, “that there are some more young people coming along.”

Byvelds was referring to what he said was a 10 per cent increase in population for the 0 to 4 age group in South Dundas, as outlined in Statistics Canada’s Census Profile for South Dundas.

While base numbers were released earlier this year, a breakdown of gender and age groups was released only recently.

Where we’ve grown the most, Byvelds pointed out, is in the 60 to 75 age group. “They see something they like and they move,” he said, suggesting that the change does present some challenges.

“We’re getting older. The median population has increased,” he said. In 2006, the median population was 43.6 whereas in 2011 it was 47.3. “We’ll have to see how we work with the numbers and how we go from there.”

He pointed out that there is an encouraging increase in the population of those in their 20’s, but lamented the loss of “some of those in their 30’s, in their prime employment years.”

The population of South Dundas, according to the Census Profile, has grown 2.5 per cent in the last five years. The breakdown in gender put females ahead of males in South Dundas by 185 in 2011.

While the majority of the population, 84.9 per cent, was aged 15 and over in 2011, there were 1,640 children aged 14 and under in South Dundas. Of those between the ages of 15 and 19, there were 695.

In 2011, the breakdown in population in South Dundas according to age was as follows: 945 people in their 20s; 1,025 people in their 30s; 1,600 people in their 40s; 1,715 people in their 50s; 1,695 people in their 60s; 930 people in their 70s; and 540 people in their 80s.

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