Hotbed Hotel hilarious seasonal opener at Playhouse


What do you do with a run-down hotel that just won’t sell?

Desperate times call for desperate measures, but there’s never been a real estate deal to match the hilarious goings on of Hotbed Hotel, Upper Canada Playhouse’s season opener running June 7 though July 1. 

Terri and Brian Cody are hoping to sell their “One Star Hotel” in the Florida Keys, to the only man who has expressed any interest in buying it. 

They’re not expecting him for a couple of weeks and are caught off-guard when they receive a phone call that he’ll be arriving within the hour! 

Unfortunately, they have so few guests they’re afraid the prospective buyer will recognize immediately that the hotel is a bad investment.

The Playhouse has assembled one of their largest, whackiest and most talented casts to date for this hysterical comedy.

Doug Tangney, has been entertaining audiences for years. He will be one of the several Playhouse favourites to hit the stage in this knee-slapping comedy. 

He is joined by Richard Bauer, who plays the impatient and suspicious buyer, Sam Lewis. Together with the other cast members Bauer is a master of fast-paced, exciting comedy. 

Debra Hale and Timm Hughes are the hotel owners, Terri and Brian Cody. Frequent Playhouse performers, Hale also appeared in last season’s Sensuous Senator while Hughes was last seen in Dear Santa

Another Playhouse favourite, Susan Greenfield, plays the fun-loving Hayley. Also returning to the UCP stage is AnnaMarie Lea, as the dim-witted maid, Maureen. Lea is also locally known as the producer of Cow Patti Theatre 

Erin MacKinnon, a Toronto actress formerly from Brockville, returns to UCP to play Ashley, the companion of buyer Sam Lewis. Also returning for Hotbed Hotel is well-known local actress Brenda Quesnel. 

New to Playhouse audiences is Mo Bock, a veteran actor who has appeared in several seasons at 1000 Islands Playhouse. He makes his Playhouse debut in Morrisburg as the ne’er-do-well maintenance man, Hopkins. 

The set is designed by John Thompson with lighting designed by Sean Free. 

Artistic Director Donnie Bowes, who directs the show, is bracing for a wild rehearsal period with this blue chip cast. He expects that audiences will have the time of their lives when they check into the hilarious Hotbed Hotel.

 The seasonal opener, Hotbed Hotel, runs Tuesday to Saturday at Upper Canada Playhouse at 8 p.m., with 2 p.m. matinees on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. 

For tickets and information contact the Playhouse at 613-543-3713 or at

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