Blanket insurance for festivals in South Dundas


Volunteers with several South Dundas festival groups were alarmed when the township’s council agreed, in 2010, to change their insurance policy to exclude coverage for festival events on township property.

At a recent council meeting, Clerk Brenda Brunt recommended “that council provide a blanket insurance policy for South Dundas Festival Groups for events on township property.”

The impetus for the recommendation came out of a September 2011 meeting between several festival volunteers and South Dundas staff.

Brunt took on the challenge of working with the township’s insurance broker to find a blanket coverage that would work for these groups. 

“I commend Brenda for coming up with a solution,” said Mayor Steven Byvelds, at the December 6th council meeting.

Brunt explained that, “all groups have not decided whether they will host their event in 2012 therefore there is no firm amount for coverage.”

“Our insurance broker has indicated the price range for this policy would be around $2,000,” she continued. “During the 2012 budget deliberations, council will have to decide if they will fund the groups or divide amongst them.”

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