MORRISBURG – To support the 2025 draft budget presented to South Dundas council on December 6 the municipality will need 13 per cent more money from its tax base in 2025 than it collected in 2024.
That would mean a 11.91 per cent tax rate increase on the municipal portion of South Dundas property owners’ tax bills.
For the average homeowner that could mean paying $243 more in property taxes in 2025 than they did in 2024. That is if council leaves the document unchanged.
These were the budget numbers presented by staff at last week’s meeting that South Dundas mayor Jason Broad said was for council to be presented with all of the documents.
“Our intent is to return January 13 to finalize the budget,” said Broad.
Treasurer Julie Stewart presented the general budget overview.
Salaries and benefits are the largest part of the municipal operating budget accounting for 41 per cent of operational spending.
“Salary costs have increased due to the full effect of the compensation review that was completed and implemented in 2024,” said Stewart explaining some of the increases that are included in the 2025 budget document.
Also adding to that increased expense is this year’s cost of living adjustment that will see municipal staff and council see a wage increase of three percent.
On top of that a number of staff additions are included within the budget document including 10 student positions and three full time administrative positions.
The draft budget presented showed $17.9 million of expenses offset by $7.6 million in revenue and a net levy of just about $10 million.
Mayor Broad was pleased to see budget deliberations get started this month, which is earliest this council has seen a budget presentation.
When they return to budget deliberations in January, they can reduce the tax rate by increments of one per cent by cutting spending by $88,100.