North Dundas adopts strat plan

WINCHESTER – Nearly half-way through its 2023-26 term, the Township of North Dundas has adopted its strategic plan at its July 18 council meeting.

The plan focuses on five priorities:

  1. Employee Satisfaction – Focus on employee retention and satisfaction;
  2. Infrastructure updates – Invest in drinking water supply, sanitary sewage capacity, waste management, roads, and recreation infrastructure;
  3. Collaboration with Neighbours – Explore opportunities with neighbouring municipalities including shared services, and joint tendering;
  4. Public Communication and Outreach – Focus on proactive, transparent messaging to create a positive image of the Municipality;
  5. Range of Housing – Encourage an adequate range of housing options including social and affordable housing.

The eight page document detailed a series of goals for each of the council’s priorities as they enter the second half of their term of office.

On employee satisfaction, the goal in this strategic plan is to complete and implement a wage review with neighbouring municipalities.

The township plans to establish flexible work arrangements, review office space allocation, and offer and/or maintain training opportunities for existing staff. There is also a goal of having an on-site human resource staff.

To address infrastructure, the goal of council is to update a road needs study and develop a bridge servicing plan. Another goal is to complete the Boyne Road Landfill, and complete the Hallville Park Development. North Dundas received $2 million in funding from the provincial and federal government for that park in 2021 through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program.

Water and wastewater infrastructure is an issue in North Dundas that is causing issues with growth. Another goal of this strat-plan is to spend more to expand this where possible. And there is a goal of creating a financial plan to accommodate growth, identifying that North Dundas has to lobby the federal and provincial governments for funding.

Housing is a large issue nationally and in North Dundas. Council’s goal through its strategic plan includes working with SDG Counties to expand existing settlement areas within North Dundas; and update existing zoning bylaws to allow for higher density housing types.

The township will look to create a communications package for developers to promote community needs, and encourage development that has different types of housing available.

In looking to collaborate with others, North Dundas’ goal will be to be active participants within joint groups at SDG Counties, and look to “be a leader” in making new policies. There will also be a move to standardize more of North Dundas’ policies and bylaws to bring them in line with neighbouring municipalities.

Looking to improve communications, the goal for the remainder of the 23-26 term will be to be more proactive on social media, implement a new communications strategy, and post council meeting highlights on the website.

Also at ND council…

Similar to action at SDG Counties in July, North Dundas township signed a new funding agreement with the federal government for the Canada Community-Building Fund. The CCBF replaces the federal gas tax program that was used to fund infrastructure projects.

In the North Dundas agreement, CCBF funding allocations from 2024 to 2028 were also released. In 2024, North Dundas will receive $370,428 which will increase to $385,862 for 2025 and 2026. The CCBF will increase to $401,296 in 2027 and 2028. Municipalities have received federal gas tax/CCBF funding since 2005.

An emergency replacement of equipment at the Sam Ault Arena will cost North Dundas nearly $90k this summer.

The condenser for the arena’s ice plant, used during the winter months, was at the brink of failure.

In a report to North Dundas council at their July 18 meeting, the township’s contractor – AC Mechanical – had “serious concerns” that the equipment would last through the next ice season.

As an emergency replacement, staff received two quotes for the replacement equipment, with AC Mechanical being the lower priced option.

Council approved the emergency replacement purchase, which will be installed by mid-August. The purchase was funded through the township’s general reserve fund.

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