MORRISBURG – The community and its leaders really stepped up for the Community Hub and Warming Centre at a special fundraising event on Sunday.
Organized by Gail McCooeye, the tea and fashion show event raised just over $10,000 for The Hub which is located here in Morrisburg. The Community Hub, which started with a partnership between St. James Anglican Church and House of Lazarus strives to provide a welcoming, safe, warm place caring place sharing hope and resources with people who find themselves hopeless and homeless.
Serving not only as a warm place for a meal and a shower, The Community Hub has become an advocacy centre helping connect people in difficult situations with the help they need.
McCooeye spoke about how the people of this community so often step up to support its most vulnerable people and thanked them for once again being there to support a great cause.
“By participating in this event, you are sharing hope with your community,” said Cathy Ashby House of Lazarus executive director.
McCooeye said that it takes about $1,000 a month to operate The Hub and said she hoped they could raise enough to cover operations for a year in urging the 200 people gathered to support the auctions and donate.
Scotiabank participated in the event, matching up to $3,000 of funds raised and Legion branch #48 in Morrisburg donated the venue.
Entertainment featured some of this community’s most recognizable men modeling ‘punny’ apparel as described by volunteer fashion show commentator Wendy Gibb. Models included local MP Eric Duncan, MPP Nolan Quinn, South Dundas Mayor Jason Broad, Deputy Mayor Marc St. Pierre, Councillor Tom Smyth, Councillor Cole Veinotte, (Councillor Danielle Ward participated as a table host), and well-known community members Eldon Horner, Barry Fawcett, Jim Mustard, Glenn Swerdfeger and Jack Barkley.