Successful return of Empty Bowls Fundraiser

Filling Empty Bowls at Community Food Share – “This has been a very successful fundraiser,” said Jane Schoones, the Team Leader for Community Food Share which held its Empty Bowls Fundraiser at Williamsburg Christian Reformed Church on Saturday, February 11. “We had amazing donors. And we couldn’t have done it without our fantastic volunteers.” This was the fifth Empty Bowls event, after a pause due to COVID closures, and organizers were very pleased at the warm support they received from the community. Serving up the delicious soup were volunteers (left) Janeen Wagemans and Louise Taylor. (The Leader/Gibb photos)
Team Leader for Community Food Share, Jane Schoones, with announcer and Food Share board member Jim Millard, welcomed the community to the special fundraiser.

MORRISBURG – The hall of the Williamsburg Christian Reformed Church was the setting on Saturday, February 11, 2023, for the return of the popular Empty Bowls fundraiser. Organized for Community Food Share by Team Leader Jane Schoones, this was the fifth Empty Bowls event, following a halt during the shutdowns. And judging by the crowds and the comments, this was a happily anticipated and well supported return.

Homemade Soups, delicious bread, and wonderful desserts were all on the menu, served up by volunteers from Community Food Share. McIntosh Inn provided soups, Simply Baked and Swiss Farmer Bakery contributed breads and soups, while Sherry’s and Winchester Foodland donated desserts. Archie at Iroquois Foodland provided water bottles for the guests.

Many in the crowd on Saturday purchased beautiful, hand cast bowls for this occasion. Local potters, including Debbie Gilmer (who arranged for the bowls for the lunch), Diane Sullivan (Arabesque), Heidi Blokland and M.J. McKay, donated their unique and attractive bowls.

A silent auction also helped to raise funds for Community Food Share, which is an organization made up of volunteers dedicated to assisting everyone in our communities who might be facing food insecurities.

Frank and Jean Cummins looking forward to enjoying their homemade soup and bread.

The February 11 Empty Bowls event also saw the official launch of the Spring Calendar Raffle, with calendars going for $10, and prizes to be won every day during the month of May: the grand draw is scheduled for Father’s Day. Funds raised from these Calendars also support Community Food Share.

Throughout the afternoon, diners were able to enjoy the wonderful live music of singer/songwriter Claude Plamondon.

As Jane Schoones said, “This was a very successful event. We had amazing donors and fantastic volunteers. The support from the community was wonderful.”

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