Completed John D. Ross Airport and Campground Building is dedicated

Joining John Ross for the formal dedication of the John D. Ross Airport and Campground Building Sunday were South Dundas councillor Archie Mellan, South Dundas deputy mayor Kirsten Gardner, South Dundas mayor Steven Byvelds, Ross, South Dundas councillor Donald Lewis and South Dundas councillor Lloyd Wells. (The Leader/Gibb photo)

IROQUOIS – “This building is second to none,” said South Dundas mayor Steven Byvelds at the official dedication ceremony, Sunday, August 14, of the John D. Ross Airport and Campground Building. “It will provide for our community for years to come. I want to thank John Ross: Iroquois just wouldn’t be Iroquois without his efforts.”

Community members, members of the Waterfront Committee, the entire South Dundas council, as well as a number of pilots, lawn bowlers and campers, all gathered outside the versatile and attractive new community campground building at the west edge of the Iroquois airport to honour John Ross at his namesake building and airport.

The new campground building provides a full kitchen, a community area, accessible washrooms and change rooms and space for storage.

Mayor Byvelds told the crowd that the previous council had designated funds for a special campground building, and the present council committed to an upgrade.

“To date, over $750,000 has been invested in the building. We must all thank John Ross for his generosity and his hard work on this project.”

In his address to the crowd, Ross provided a brief history of the airport, the waterfront and the campground. He explained that an airport had been established in Iroquois in 1967, through the efforts of George Jackson, while the original building, with a large covered area and washrooms was built in 1968 to serve a small adjoining campground.

When he came to Iroquois in 1974, scouting potential sites for his business, Ross, a keen flier, was attracted by the airport, and by the strong community spirit and the enthusiasm of local volunteers who had built a beach area, a basic lawn bowling site and even laid out a golf course. He ultimately decided to establish Ross Video in Iroquois, where it has remained ever since, a major employer and asset to the area. John Ross then turned his ideas and time to improving the waterfront and airport area in his home town.

It wasn’t easy. “The site was badly mosquito infested and very poorly drained,” John Ross said. Drawing on his engineering background, he built ditches and drained the area. A greatly improved beach front, and an attractive river walkway followed. The campground grew to 69 sites, adapted by Ross to the changing nature of recreational vehicles over the years. A well-used lawn bowling site was established. The landing strip area was improved and Ross had the runway re-paved; Iroquois has since become a popular stop over for fliers from across Canada and the US.

However, the old campground building had outlived its usefulness, and needed to be upgraded. Ross made a point of consulting members of the community when plans for a new building were under discussion. “I tried to listen to the ideas, needs and concerns of people when I was creating a blueprint for the building. All the design aspects are evidence-based, and that is why I think the project was successful.” EVB Engineering of Cornwall and Wells & Sons Construction Inc., Morrisburg, were involved in actually carrying out the construction.

John Ross was assisted in the final design of the community campground building by the ideas and support of his late wife, Diane, who is also named on the dedication plaque.

The official dedication ceremony was followed by tours of the facility and a light lunch for visitors.

David Ross, current CEO of Ross Video, proudly discussed his father’s work at the ceremony. “Dad’s already looking at a new project, special lighting. His ideas just keep coming. And he has always used his funding well, working efficiently to maximize the results. I think Dad has dedicated his time, his efforts and his funds to the town. He continues to work on ways to make this town fantastic.”

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