SOUTH DUNDAS – Council being adamant that municipal campground and marina operations should not financially burden South Dundas taxpayers led to the creation of new operational plans for the two facilities that will see significant user fee increases.
The Iroquois Municipal Campground will see a five per cent increase to its seasonal rates and a 10 per cent increase to its daily, weekly and monthly rates.
According to an April 8 report to council from Austin Marcellus, manager of parks and recreation for South Dundas, this new fee schedule takes into account and consideration the fees charged by surrounding competitors and staffing level changes to take into account higher traffic hours of operation.
Winter storage fees will also increase to $100 per month.
A new two per cent administrative fee is being introduced as well as a kitchen rental fee ($40) at the Iroquois Campground and Airport building.
Seasonal boat docking fees at the Galop Canal Marina in Iroquois will increase 20 per cent this year and another 20 per cent in 2023. Administrative and parking fees are also included in the new fee schedule.
The municipality hired a new campground and marina supervisor for this year and Marcellus said he is confident she will be a great fit.
“I thank you for your work on this,” South Dundas mayor Steven Byvelds told Marcellus. “I know I gave you a hard time on the first one,” he said referring to the plan Marcellus presented council in early March.
The new fee schedule will not be officially enacted until the April 25 council meeting, however staff is now communicating these new fees to those enquiring about bookings.