Resignation brings back Brunt

SOUTH DUNDAS – The Municipality of South Dundas is immediately looking to hire a new director of corporate services/clerk as a result of its director of corporate services/clerk Ethan Robert resigning from the role, effective Friday (September 10).

Robert, who had served as South Dundas’ deputy clerk, leading up to the retirement of longtime director of services/clerk Brenda Brunt, took over the job when Brunt retired in May.

With Robert’s resignation, South Dundas council, at a special meeting held today (September 8), appointed Brunt deputy clerk. At Monday’s council meeting, she will be appointed back to the clerk role from which she retired May 25th.

The intention is for this appointment to be temporary, so Brunt can return to her retirement which has been short-lived.

South Dundas chief administrative officer Shannon Geraghty hopes that by recruiting immediately, they will have a successful candidate to fit the job by mid to late October.

With next year being an election year, they need someone with election experience.

Geraghty said that there is a fair bit of competition for that position right now as other municipalities, including North Dundas are also recruiting.

Council and the CAO discussed the idea of focussing on the clerk role at this point, however Geraghty recommended advertising for the full position and then making that determination based on the applications received.

Council agreed.

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