MORRISBURG – Recently a $145,000 Trillium grant to revamp and widen the 1.1 km Morrisburg waterfront pathway system came through and that work will just be the beginning of improvements planned for the Morrisburg waterfront park this year.
Morrisburg Waterfront Committee chair Michael Burton spoke to The Leader this week about the improvements people can expect to see this year.
“Everything we plan to do is for the community to enjoy when they are out in their park,” said Burton.
The Trillium pathway grant funding should cover the resurfacing and widening of all of the existing pathways, and finish off the link to the beach house.
But beyond that the committee is adding meandering pathways including a 48 foot cobblestone circular walkway.
Burton explained that they already have the cobblestones for the project, which were secured free of charge for the community, keeping the cost of that project down.

During the first round of meandering pathway construction which is expected to take place this fall, 375 metres of meandering pathways will be installed.
The recently completed Morrisburg and District Lions Club seating area commemorating the club’s 70th anniversary is the first example of vignettes that can be added to the waterfront to provide seating and rest areas along the pathway system.
Another area of interest that will be added is a 30 foot long wooden boardwalk pier on top of an existing wharf that cannot be removed.
It’s position makes it an ideal lookout area along the water giving people a bit of a different perspective of the waterfront scene, explained Burton.
Through donations and budgeted money a number of new trees will be planted along the waterfront to add shade.
Burton spoke of the importance of replacing the shade trees that have been lost to the Emerald Ash borer, which resulted in a large number of trees being cut this year.
He said that this year’s tree plantings will be focused on the Morrisburg beach area of the waterfront park.
Tree planting and pruning is something that the waterfront committee is committed to long term. Also they are hoping next spring to bring a River’s Edge natural planting program to help with erosion and the river ecosystem, without encroaching on waterfront views.
Burton is excited for all of this work to get started: “We are doing this all for the township,” said Burton. “It’s for everyone, the locals and the people coming into town that will provide good things for our community.”